A Comedy of Errors

category EDCI 336

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Week 10: Sketchnoting

In class we produced our own sketch notes, and while mine is not near perfect, I think it’s a pretty good example of how sketch notes helps us retain information that is important to us. The below example is one… Continue Reading →

Cell Phone Apps for the Classroom

Inquiry question: What are some phone apps that we can use in the classroom and how can we use them? In relation to teaching and learning, embracing cell phones in the classroom can result in increased student participation and inclusivity… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry: Week 5

My progress for this week! I did quite a bit more than I expected, honestly, but I am getting so close to being finished this one. I was unsure about learning any new stitches, and the two flowers that are… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry: Week 4

My progress this week was sort of sad. Due to a variety of factors, I only really stitched for one night. I finished off the stem stitch for the flowers in the middle, as well as did the beginning of… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry: Week 3

This week I started out by finishing off the larger red flower. This stitch was the same as the first flower, with a satin stitch. I definitely like this stitch. It’s easy to do and relaxing because of the ease… Continue Reading →

Week 3: Digital Footprints

I don’t think that digital footprints are really discussed enough in school, or at all. This shouldn’t be the case, especially with how prevalent being ‘looked up’ is now. I have an Indeed account with my resume attached, to help… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry: Week 2

This week I started my free inquiry, having received several of my kits in the mail. I found quickly that I really enjoy doing this. It’s almost meditative – I throw on a show on Netflix or a video on… Continue Reading →

Week 2: Exploring Technology

This week in class we talked about a variety of programs we can use for this class, as well as in our classes in the future. This week centered pretty heavily around the whole aspect of learning new technology for… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry: Week 1

For my free inquiry project, I’ve chosen to learn how to do embroidery. This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a few years now, but I’ve never had the time to do it. Making it something for… Continue Reading →

Week 1: Navigating the New Reality

Having never used a blog for a class before, this is another new experience to add to my tool belt in the less than week since classes started. I’m not a stranger to blogs, having had a few for personal… Continue Reading →

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