There are so many things that I’ve learned from this, but I think the thing that I ultimately took away was that there are so many different ways of doing assessment. Not everyone has the same idea of what should be included as summative assessment – ie non-achievement criteria like participation.
Of the resources that I’ve looked at, I will certainly continue to use the Royal Roads and Emerald Publishing websites. I would really like to take the time to read the rest of Brian Shaw’s Music Assessment for Better Ensembles as well as McPhail, Thorpe, and Wise’s Educational Change and the Secondary School Music Curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. I think it’s important to look to other parts of the world and see what they’re doing, as well as comparing it to research being done close to home.
I want to look for ways to continue to include technology in assessment, because it’s a useful way to compile evidence of student learning, but as so much has changed even since 2014, I think I could find a more up to date resource than Andrew Brown’s.
Continuing, I think I’d like to continue to try reading new texts and articles surrounding music and music education topics. Probably not one a week, but maybe one every two months – which gives me more time to read a text in its entirety!
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