There are so many things that I’ve learned from this, but I think the thing that I ultimately took away was that there are so many different ways of doing assessment. Not everyone has the same idea of what should… Continue Reading →
This week’s resource was Brian Shaw’s Music Assessment for Better Ensembles. I focused on Chapter 5, Musical Understandings. I created an infographic to show my learning for this week, but I found the chapter to be insightful and chalk full of… Continue Reading →
This week I actually have a few resources, because I carried them over from doing the unit plan. When I was creating my rubric I needed some sort of guidance, and these three resources really helped me with the creation… Continue Reading →
This week’s resource is by Kelly Parkes and Frederick Burrack; Developing and Applying Assessments in Music Classroom. I focused on Chapter 9, “Using Assessment for Program Improvement”. My notes weren’t extensive on this one, but there were a few ideas that… Continue Reading →
This week’s resource was Educational Change and the Secondary School Music Curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand, edited by McPhail, Thorpe, and Wise. I specifically focused on Chapter 7, written by Vicki Thorpe, titled “Two conceptual models and their relationship to teaching… Continue Reading →
This week, the resource that I added to my collection was Andrew Brown’s Music Technology and Education. I specifically looked at Chapter 14 of this text, titled Assessment. A few things that interested me right away was that Brown used Elliot’s… Continue Reading →
As I’ve had a couple of classes at this point in my student career with Michael Keddy, reading his PhD dissertation Assessment in the secondary school band programs of British Columbia was not altogether new information to me. We’ve had in… Continue Reading →
Technically this is a week two blog for my Professional Growth Plan, though it is only the first blog I have done for it. I have had a slow start to my Growth Plans, due to illness. I have taken… Continue Reading →
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