A Comedy of Errors

Author rubberduckyeducator

Week 12: Final Free Inquiry Blog

The process of learning embroidery has honestly surprised me. While I went into it hoping to find a new hobby, I didn’t necessarily have high hopes considering my previous experience with sewing and crocheting. I found those complicated and stressful,… Continue Reading →

Week 12: Cross-Curricular Coding

This week’s class was probably one of my favorites of the semester. I learned how to code HTML very basically years ago as a way to personalize my Tumblr blog, which is probably pretty lame to admit. Because it was… Continue Reading →

Week 10: Sketchnoting

In class we produced our own sketch notes, and while mine is not near perfect, I think it’s a pretty good example of how sketch notes helps us retain information that is important to us. The below example is one… Continue Reading →

Cell Phone Apps for the Classroom

Inquiry question: What are some phone apps that we can use in the classroom and how can we use them? In relation to teaching and learning, embracing cell phones in the classroom can result in increased student participation and inclusivity… Continue Reading →

Musical Development: Mass Blog Post

This has been quite the semester, and as such my weekly blog posts have really suffered. So, in lieu of the weekly posts that fell off rather quickly into the semester, I am posting one massive blog post as a… Continue Reading →

Assessment: Final Reflections

There are so many things that I’ve learned from this, but I think the thing that I ultimately took away was that there are so many different ways of doing assessment. Not everyone has the same idea of what should… Continue Reading →

Assessment: Brian Shaw

This week’s resource was Brian Shaw’s Music Assessment for Better Ensembles. I focused on Chapter 5, Musical Understandings. I created an infographic to show my learning for this week, but I found the chapter to be insightful and chalk full of… Continue Reading →

Assessment: RRU and Emerald Publishing

This week I actually have a few resources, because I carried them over from doing the unit plan. When I was creating my rubric I needed some sort of guidance, and these three resources really helped me with the creation… Continue Reading →

Assessment: Parkes & Burrack

This week’s resource is by Kelly Parkes and Frederick Burrack; Developing and Applying Assessments in Music Classroom. I focused on Chapter 9, “Using Assessment for Program Improvement”. My notes weren’t extensive on this one, but there were a few ideas that… Continue Reading →

Assessment: Vicki Thorpe

This week’s resource was Educational Change and the Secondary School Music Curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand, edited by McPhail, Thorpe, and Wise. I specifically focused on Chapter 7, written by Vicki Thorpe, titled “Two conceptual models and their relationship to teaching… Continue Reading →

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